Your latest product launch has flopped. What went wrong? You shipped exactly what your stakeholders wanted, your milestones and metrics were on point, maybe you even had product feedback loops, but now the users aren't engaging. You're starting to wonder if they need software or something more. Can you still be agile when the right solution might not be technology at all?
If this sounds familiar, you need Service Design: a human-centered design method that takes everything we know about modern product development and design, but for services — solving user problems whether they need software or not. Service Design can help you fix broken organizational processes that stop even the perfect product in its tracks, and lay the groundwork for future products that are more responsive, equitable, and accessible.
In this session, we'll introduce the Service Design mindset and an overview of essential techniques. If you're using (or trying) modern product practices today, these will feel familiar, and they'll fit neatly into your existing toolbox. You'll leave with a fresh perspective on your own backlog and how to tackle the organizational silos standing between you and your next great outcome.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the definition of Service Design
- Learn the 5 phases of Skylight's Service Design Framework (drawn from industry best practices)
- Know how to recognize when Service Design can be useful
- Hands-on practice with stakeholder mapping
Attachment: Solving User Problems