Build Shared Understanding Fast - Agile Modeling (Jason Piskiel)
We're not all speaking the same language, even when we think we are. For example, what's the difference between a ticket, an issue, a bug, and a request?
Let's explore Agile Modeling, and how we can use simple tools to augment how we communicate and build shared understanding.
In this session we'll introduce and practice simple, approachable, and very human ways of communicating clearly in order to develop a shared vocabulary in a problem domain. This will simplify how all parts of your team and business communicate, and ultimately lead to quicker, more efficient, and more effective results.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand and apply techniques for building shared language about complex systems
- Define Agile Modeling and how it helps us develop shared understanding
- Practice Agile Modeling techniques to create a visual dictionary and help your teams communicate more effectively
Featured Participant: Luis Pavel Gomez Valenzuela

Date & Time
Monday, July 24, 2023, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Coastal Ballroom 4/5 & B
Session Type
Learning Level
Technology for All
collaboration, interactive, workshop, language, Modeling, Design
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