Facilitating Culture-Defining Meetings
Christine Hudson Ronica Roth

Meetings are one of the main arenas for your enterprise: where collaboration happens, where ideas are explored, where plans are solidified, where decisions get made. They are also where culture is most visible, and therefore where culture can most be influenced. In this workshop we will practice techniques that can help you facilitate meetings that are more inviting, effective, and culture-changing. Problem-solving, collaboration and innovation depend deeply on trust and psychological safety. From the way you open a meeting to the way you facilitate the discussions and activities within your meetings, you can create the conditions for that safety. Further increase the value and ROTI (return on time invested) of decision-making meetings–leading to meaningful decisions that stick while decreasing organizational friction--by understanding Sam Kaner’s Diamond of Participatory Decision Making. Learn to see the agenda as a journey of divergence and convergence, and learn some techniques to facilitate a group through that journey. In the process, you can help each participant engage more fully and learn more about the business system such that they feel more ownership and are better stewards of your company.

Date & Time
Monday, July 18, 2022, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Lincoln CDE
Download Session PDF
Session Type
Learning Level
Energizing People and Teams Sponsored by AgilityHealth
Better Meetings/Facilitation | Decision Making | Communication