Full Name
Poulomi Nath
Job Title
Agile Coach
Tata Consultancy Services
Speaker Bio
Poulomi is a StoryTeller and Transformation Evangelist by passion. She is a coach by profession and associated in a role of internal coach in the CIO Advisory group of Tata Consultancy Services within the C&SI practice. She works passionately within and outside organizations for human centric transformations of individuals, groups, teams, leaders and enterprises. She firmly believes that when one has fun at work then true potential is realised. In her experience,in transformation initiatives, when knowledge is packed with practice through preferred modes of learning of the learners then the learning process becomes a self chosen journey of the learner and is sustainable. Her session focuses on this aspect of Training teams/individuals/leaders that leads to creation of a sustainable learning environment and culture.
Poulomi Nath