Some companies have made sustainability part of their strategy. This is often emphasized by installing a CSO – a Chief Sustainability Office. It is not only important to embed sustainability in the strategy, but in the European Union, it is even mandatory for companies with more than 250 employees to provide a yearly report on their sustainability efforts and progress. Although things are changing for the better, this effort is rarely known and/or visible to the employees. Moreover, the planetary challenges are too big to address them at the top only. Thus, sustainability has to be taken care of by everyone in the company. In this keynote, we will explore the responsibility for sustainability by each and every team. We will examine how social, environmental, and economic sustainability impacts both team collaboration and product creation. The goal for the session is to be less overwhelmed by the topic and to know how you and your whole team can take one step at a time to increase sustainability holistically.
Piet Heinkade 179
Amsterdam 1019 HC