To deliver value and stand out towards their customers, organizations need to optimize their organization and way of working. To have successful value delivery we should not only adapt the process or introduce new techniques but consider also consider the transformation strategy, agile mind-set, and leadership. Last but not least we need to consider the way teams are structured. By creating clusters of teams that can work autonomously and in parallel organizations can speed up. In this workshop we focus on the structure of the organization and use the case of a small movie cinema to gain understanding of the challenges and advantages of a good team structure. The case offers a recognizable setting, and we’ll follow the growth of the organization and the choices they must make. How do we keep teams small, and should we structure the organization according to discipline, product, or customer journey? In each step of the workshop participants will try to create a structure by moving the resources across the board and discuss advantages and disadvantages of the chosen scenario. They will reflect on how this translates to their own setting. This workshop aims to create understanding and awareness of how the team structure impacts the value delivery. It helps to raise the topic in your own organization and deliver a valuable contribution to the discussion.
Piet Heinkade 179
Amsterdam 1019 HC
Team topology
Organizational structure
Fracture planes
Customer journey
Product teams