High performing Hooligans won't be held back. From experience they know that they are not made of glass. They cover each other’s back and won't run away from defending their colors. They take values like commitment, responsibility and team spirit to the next level. A high performing agile team is not so much different. Such a team will make sure value is delivered at the end of each iteration. Impediments are creatively mitigated and team members help each other out... In reality though most teams are not high performing and we might encounter complaints, finger pointing, avoiding confrontations and... A lot of waiting. I recall a stand up in which one of the scrum team members explained what he did yesterday: "I waited." In this presentation Jasper Lamers (Anthropologist / Agile Consultant) takes the audience on a visual, energizing , provocative and inspiring journey through the world of football hooliganism. Is there something to be learned from the violent "football fans" that most decent people despise? This session is for people who want to take their teams to the next level of performance. You will witness the values needed for high performance. You will experience the strength of metaphors and storytelling. And this session is for people in need of an entertaining story. The presenter, Jasper Lamers (MSc), of this story wrote a thesis about Hooliganism as a student Cultural Anthropology. Nowadays, he is using his Anthropological background to help organizations and teams to go through sustainable (mainly Agile) transformations.
Piet Heinkade 179
Amsterdam 1019 HC
Being Agile
Scrum Values
Story telling
High Performing teams