This workshop will bring together leaders and change agents from various organizations to gain a better understanding of what an agile-lean transformation entails. Using an integral (4-lenses) approach, participants will identify healthy and unhealthy aspects within their organization and align on a starting point to progress towards a more effective work culture. The workshop will enable participants to develop a holistic picture of their organization and understand the stances of their leadership colleagues. Through this alignment, participants can determine the healthy aspects that need to be embodied and the unhealthy aspects that need to be eliminated. The outcomes of the workshop include developing a starter artifact for organizational development, potential basis for a charter or organizational vision, and a transformation backlog of “urgencies” that need to be tackled. Additionally, participants will gain knowledge alignment on the evolution of complexity of organizations and the application of integral 4 lenses as a tool in organizational transformation. The workshop will also bring about a shift towards openness, authentic relationships, and collective thinking-out-loud. Alignment on organizational “healthiness” is imperative for leaders and change agents engaged in an agile-lean transformation. This workshop will help participants intervene effectively and develop a shared vision for their organization’s transformation.
Piet Heinkade 179
Amsterdam 1019 HC
Creative problem solving
Co-creation for organizations development
Agile leadership
Agile Transformation
Integral 4 lenses approach
Organizational development