Behind every major innovation, cultural shift, or personal shift, stood one (or more) persons willing to embrace the wild idea of possibility: the idea that what is not currently true, real, or done – can be. Our brains have been conditioned to keep us firmly in the “what is now, and what has always been,” which is safe but also boring and without forward movement.
For us to move from cautious to courageous, we must allow the possibility to move us through the healing and habits necessary. In 2020, I picked up my roller skates again for the first time in 20 years. Through hours of practice and growth, I learned more about myself and possibility than any training course had ever taught me.
In this 60-minute talk, I share the lessons of possibility through storytelling and roller-dance. Using skate choreography to demonstrate the lessons in real-time in front of the audience, I weave together a story of courage, community, and care in both the workplace and the rink – showing that, in the end, the lessons of risk-taking, vulnerability, and self-reflection apply wherever we are.