Big New Things

What's new and exciting in Agile? As members of the Agile community from the beginning, James Shore and Arlo Belshee have seen it all—or have they? Join Arlo and James for a fireside chat about the new and innovative Agile ideas they've been exploring recently. Possible topics include scaling team sizes with FAST, executive-level strategies for technical debt, team self-selection and bottom-up strategy, and scaling technical capability in an organization.
This is a live session and audience participation is encouraged. Share your questions and comments in the chat!
Learning Objectives
Awareness of solutions to various problems: scaling, organization-wide technical debt, team structure, and changing technical culture.
Agile Exchange
Session Type
Agile Exchange
large-scale Agile, technical debt, FAST, team self-selection, unit testing, TDD, chat, strategy, risk, scaling