What will happen if there is an imbalance in the 'demand and delivery' in your favorite supermarket? Many supermarkets come across 'high demand but lack of capability to deliver' or 'low demand but high capability to deliver.' Most times, they effectively manage it and provide a better service to their customers. Managing the demand and delivery becomes more complex and challenging in the highly dynamic knowledge work environment. Imbalance on 'demand and capability to deliver' in IT programs/projects/teams or any knowledge work industry is a common challenge and requires more attention. Else, it can create much dissatisfaction for your customers and your delivery teams. Together, from this workshop, let us first explore the challenges from this highly engaging workshop. Will we stop there? Never, we will learn a couple of effective but simple practices to address these evergoing challenges in your environment. You can easily apply those practices within your environment with less resistance. In a nutshell, from this workshop, we all will explore the imbalance impact in your demand vs. delivery systems and learn simple but effective practices that can easily apply in your challenging environments.
This session will NOT be recorded. Attendance is first come, first serve.
This session will be delivered on Zoom.
How to identify the impact or source of dissatisfaction in the imbalance between demand vs. delivery?
Learn simple but effective practices that can easily apply in your environments to manage demand and delivery.