Teaching Agile So It Sticks: Push Knowledge to Expertise

Delivering training is easy. But will they remember it next week? And will they still be doing it months from now?

Chances are the answer is, “no.” Most corporate training fails at its goal of effecting organizational change, and most training of any kind fails because of something called the Forgetting Curve. Without regular practice at new skills and concepts, people can’t remember what they learned in a class. It’s not their fault—it’s simply a human trait. So how do we facilitate effective learning? How can we support learners with effective courses, skills practice, and learning environments?

Richard Kasperowski will share his experience in designing effective courses and co-creating excellent learning environments. He will guide you through a series of fun activities to create your own Agile curriculum and learning modules. You’ll leave understanding how to design effective learning experiences and support your staff as they put their new Agile skills and knowledge into practice.

Who should attend? Leaders, coaches, Scrum Masters, trainers, team members, and anyone else who cares about sharing Agile mindset and practices to improve the way their organization works.

Teaching an Agile course should be with an Agile approach. As a teacher/trainer one should look at the training course as a product. The trainer is both the developer and coach and should get feedback from your customer (trainee), make adjustments, and provide tangible outcomes. Retrospective every class session, whether online or f2f. The trainer needs to help trainees to gain expertise as they are learning the knowledge.

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