Kumar Dattatreyan
Full Name
Kumar Dattatreyan
Job Title
Agile and Executive Coach
Speaker Bio
With 20+ years in the Information Technology sector and a decade of running restaurants before that, Kumar possesses a unique skill set and approach to transformational coaching that’s always evolving. He strongly believes that guiding leaders on a path to a coaching mindset is key to unlocking the potential of the individual, the team, and, ultimately, the organization.

His philosophy is to approach life's challenges and opportunities situationally, with context and empathy for the current state, the past, and their desired future. With experience both in the trenches and in senior management in organizations ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, he has worked with leaders to provide improvements in areas including product development, executive training, leadership coaching, strategic planning, software development, project management, HR, governance and other business areas in both highly-regulated and non-regulated industries.

Kumar holds multiple Agile certifications from the Scrum Alliance, PMI, XSCALE Alliance, and ICAgile and has trained and coached thousands of individuals during his career.
Most recently, Kumar has been working to meld a professional coaching approach from the International Coaching Federation (ICF-PCC) with an agile approach to outcomes and execution.