Were you ever faced with SpotiSafe? SAFe with a sprinkle of Spotify on top to take the edge off? Agile in name only? With Initiatives or Epics that are actually waterfall projects? All of the "good vibes" and lingo but none of the good results? We have been there too! In our interactive workshop, we would like to explore with you what to do about these wolves in sheep's clothes. We will share our experience in converting a waterfall TIES backlog into something Agilish, all while operating within the constraints of existing structures of tools like Jira. We'll explore methodologies like Wardley, Impact, Story, and Example Mapping to enable truly collaborative refinement processes at all levels counteracting big design upfront reflexes. Together, we will try to establish a governance framework to unify these efforts. The workshop will also cover common challenges and effective strategies to avoid some pitfalls. Please share your experience with us so we can stop the havoc-wreaking bastard child of SAFe and the Spotify model.