Date & Time
Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
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The Ethics of Agile Coaching and the Future of Agile

The coaching profession has a rich history, beginning in the 19th century and spanning fields such as sports coaching, personal and life coaching, business and executive coaching, and many others. In the examples above, the coach's role, skills, and boundaries are well codified, but that doesn't seem to be the case with Agile coaching—at least, not at the same level of maturity. The effects of this lack of maturity often result in the coach, although driven by the best intentions, damaging the organization they are working with. A classic example is the coach taking a consulting stance, thus reinforcing the idea that an Agile adoption/transformation can happen with a mechanistic, problem/solution approach. Agile Alliance kicked off the "Agile Coaching Ethics" initiative ( to provide guidance on this topic. How much will proper coaching help the future of Agile at a time when many say that "Agile is dead"? Should the role of the coach even be a role or profession? What is currently missing in how we coach for Agile?

Andrea Provaglio
Coaching for Agile
Agile Coaching,?Ethics,?Agile Transformation,?Agile Culture,?Fake Agile