Full Name
Holly Bielawa
Job Title
Head of Coaching and Consulting, Jeff Patton & Associates
Jeff Patton and Associates
Speaker Bio
Holly is Head of Coaching and Consulting at Jeff Patton & Associates. As a tech start-up founder and transformation executive, she launched many successful products around the globe and has had the pleasure of working alongside some of the most talented engineers and thought leaders in the field. Her experience working with organizations large and small as they work to create Products has revealed patterns of both success and failure. Along the way, she has dedicated herself to helping individuals and organizations use Product Thinking as the predictable path to organizational alignment. At Jeff Patton & Associates, she and her team of experts help organizations implement ways of working that shift their focus away from creating output and empower teams to optimize delivery of valuable outcomes and impacts. More at hollybielawa.com and jpattonassociates.com
LinkedIn Profile
Holly Bielawa