Full Name
Kerri Sutey
Job Title
Leadership & Organization Coach
Sutey Coaching & Consulting
Speaker Bio
Kerri brings a transformative approach to enhancing organizational agility, focusing on organizational design, development, and diversity, as well as leadership coaching. Her work is pivotal in steering organizations and leaders to lead effectively, grow sustainably, and thrive in challenging environments.

Kerri envisions a future where adaptability, resilience, continuous learning, open communication, and diversity form the cornerstone of organizational success. Committed to fostering environments that thrive on collaboration and innovation, she guides teams and leaders to not just navigate today’s complexities but to anticipate and shape tomorrow’s opportunities. Her coaching approach emphasizes trust, continuous improvement, and strong relationships, making her instrumental in guiding through challenges and embracing change for personal and organizational growth.

Kerri is a certified ICAgile Expert in Team Coaching, ICAgile Expert in Enterprise Coaching and is credentialed by the International Coaching Federation (ICF-ACC).
LinkedIn Profile
Kerri Sutey