Real-World Lessons: Creating Outstanding Products with Outsourced Teams
Making outstanding products with outsourced teams is challenging. You have to navigate different time zones, companies, cultures, and working styles. In this talk, you will learn how to create a unified and innovative team even when collaborating with outsourced engineers and designers. We’ll dive into the importance of providing context, not just solutions, to your outsourced teams, aligning their goals with yours through shared OKRs, and breaking down barriers to foster deeper collaboration. Additionally, you’ll discover how to involve outsourced teams in the Product Discovery process, cultivate customer empathy, and maximize the overlap in working hours to enhance creativity, innovation, and productivity.

Date & Time
Monday, July 22, 2024, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Texas D
Session Type
Accelerating Products
Learning Level
Learning Objectives
- You can’t write it all down. Learn how giving context, not just solutions, to outsourced teams can improve their output.
- Move away from traditional measurements of outsourced team success. Align the measurement of outsourced teams to your team’s OKRs and goals.
- Develop customer empathy. Learn how to involve outsourced teams in Product Discovery.
- Break down barriers. Learn to connect more deeply with outsourced teams.
- Maximize together time. How to maximize the time window where working hours overlap.
- Move away from traditional measurements of outsourced team success. Align the measurement of outsourced teams to your team’s OKRs and goals.
- Develop customer empathy. Learn how to involve outsourced teams in Product Discovery.
- Break down barriers. Learn to connect more deeply with outsourced teams.
- Maximize together time. How to maximize the time window where working hours overlap.
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