3 Ingredients in Every Product Manager’s Cookbook

Many organizations suffer from complex requirements gathering sessions without clear direction. Have you ever wondered how much time is spent to get to the same level of shared understanding across stakeholders? What about the:
# of meetings starting with the phrase, “just to level set” or “let’s get on the same page” and the total hours spent to stay on the same page?

There must be a better way!

In this session, we will unpack three active ingredients that help accelerate every product operating model transformation so that teams can build solutions in a more efficient and effective way. We will experiment with user story maps, as described by Jeff Patton, develop stronger story writing skills, and explore how organizations can better implement big room planning into their core ceremonies. As a result, you will leave with a recipe that can accelerate the way products are developed in your organization.

Sam Cho
Date & Time
Thursday, July 25, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Location Name
Texas D
Session Type
Accelerating Products
Learning Level
Learning Objectives
1. Recognize the need for user story maps before “writing JIRAs”
2. Learn how to write effective user stories at a design vs. development level
3. Discover how continuous planning can be maintained on a quarterly basis
4. Evaluate product / feature ideas for enhancing the Agile Conference experience