Influence Without Authority: Creating Sustainable Change with an Invitational Approach to Agile Coach
Ever wonder how you can influence your peers, teams and leaders when you aren’t the one in charge? What happens when you don’t have the power to call the shots and yet, you want to help move things forward? Sometimes it’s hard to step into the leadership space when you aren’t the leader. How do you influence change without having it roll back once you leave the engagement? Cherie will discuss her learnings in the trenches of enterprise coaching and share what approaches have worked...and not worked. In this talk you will learn about topics including: navigating resistance, sustainable change, adjusting to your engagement type, and more.

Date & Time
Thursday, July 25, 2024, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Grapevine 5-6
Session Type
Enriching Organizations
Learning Level
Learning Objectives
Learning objectives:
~ Describe causes of resistance when working with client organizations
~ Learn methods of overcoming resistance and gaining momentum for change
~ Learn practical professional coaching techniques and ways of thinking that you can use to gain influence and create partnership for change with your clients.
~ Describe three different engagement types, their limitations, and the focus of the work.
~ Describe causes of resistance when working with client organizations
~ Learn methods of overcoming resistance and gaining momentum for change
~ Learn practical professional coaching techniques and ways of thinking that you can use to gain influence and create partnership for change with your clients.
~ Describe three different engagement types, their limitations, and the focus of the work.
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