A Playbook Approach to Product Thinking
Successful agile product teams need to be experienced in product discovery, building the right thing, and product delivery, building the thing right. They need to apply many different tactics and techniques in the course of product development, but there is no one right approach. The Product Thinking Playbook is a collection of tactics, techniques, and milestones, which can be used by product teams at any step of their journey to building great products. In this workshop we will introduce the modern approach to product development using the Product Thinking Playbook and give participants practical guidance on how to use the Playbook for different situations.

Date & Time
Thursday, July 25, 2024, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Texas 5
Session Type
Accelerating Products
Learning Level
Learning Objectives
- Participants will become familiar with modern product development, the relevant tactics and techniques, and common patterns in product development
- Participants will map their own product development process to the playbook’s tactics and techniques
- Participants will learn the benefits of a playbook approach for product development teams and how to get started at their organization
- Participants will map their own product development process to the playbook’s tactics and techniques
- Participants will learn the benefits of a playbook approach for product development teams and how to get started at their organization
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