What If AI Could Make Us More Human? The path to evolving into an A.I. Leader”

Exploring how AI can revolutionize leadership, this discussion highlights the potential of technology to automate administrative tasks, thereby allowing leaders to spend more time on meaningful team engagement and connections. This concept challenges the prevalent view of technology as a barrier to human interaction, illustrating instead how it can amplify our humanity in the workplace. Central to the narrative is the phenomenon of change resistance, grounded in psychological theories like Kurt Lewin's Change Management Model. This model explains people's initial resistance to new methods and outlines a process of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing behaviors, providing a framework for seamlessly integrating AI into organizational cultures. The discussion focuses on the practical applications of AI in leadership. Specific AI tools and platforms are introduced, demonstrating how they can streamline processes and enhance team dynamics. These examples showcase AI as a powerful tool for improving leadership effectiveness and fostering a more connected, human-centered work environment. This is about redefining leadership in the AI era. It highlights technology's potential to enhance our best human qualities and transform the way we lead and work, making leadership more empathetic, efficient, and deeply human. Transform your leadership and your teams by becoming an AI Leader.

Date & Time
Thursday, July 25, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Location Name
Texas C
Session Type
Technology for All
Learning Level
Learning Objectives
Understand the Role of AI in Transforming Leadership Practices
Participants will learn how artificial intelligence can revolutionize leadership, shifting the perception of technology from a barrier to an enhancer of human interactions in the workplace. They will gain insights into how AI can automate administrative tasks, allowing leaders to focus more on meaningful team engagement and relationship building.
Comprehend and Overcome Resistance to Technological Change
Attendees will grasp the psychological aspects of change resistance in AI integration, guided by Kurt Lewin's Change Management Model. They will explore the process of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing behaviors and develop strategies to facilitate the successful adoption of AI in organizational settings.
Develop Practical Skills for Implementing AI in Leadership
The audience will be equipped with practical knowledge of specific AI tools and platforms that enhance leadership capabilities, such as ChatGPT for educational gaming, Asana or Trello for task management, and AI-powered analytics tools. Additionally, they will be encouraged to undertake a 90-day AI Leadership Challenge to automate a process, learn a new AI-related skill or platform, and find creative ways to integrate AI into their professional or personal lives.
Survey Link