Do you remember the Segway? When it was first released in 2001, tech innovators were awed. The general public was not. The Segway was dangerous, expensive, too fast for sidewalks, and too slow for roads. What went wrong? Blinded by their excitement over the technology, the Segway team didn’t do enough customer research. It turns out, almost no one wanted a Segway. Developing and launching any product is tough. But researching your customers will make it easier. And contrary to common belief, customer research doesn’t have to be expensive, complicated, or time consuming. In this talk, you’ll learn five customer research techniques that are fast, simple, and will give you a gold mine of insights to inform your product strategy. You’ll also learn how to overcome common organizational barriers that might prevent you from implementing these techniques. By the end of this talk, you’ll be ready to dig deeper into your customer’s needs, enabling you to deliver products that solve your customers’ problems while delivering business value.

-Participants can identify five customer research techniques
-Participants can apply one or more customer research techniques in their work
-Participants understand common barriers to conducting customer research and strategies to overcome these barriers