Ever found yourself frustrated by the constraints of inflexible vendor contracts that hinder agile collaboration? In this session, we’ll explore actionable strategies to transform these challenges into mutually beneficial opportunities for both vendors and customers. In numerous organizations, procurement policies and procedures often fall short of embracing agile delivery methods, emphasizing upfront plans, requirements, and deliverables rather than the desired outcomes of the engagement. In many cases, “agile” contracts exacerbate these issues by removing rigid scope structure and replacing it with rigid process structure without brining clarity to the purpose. This session is a strategic exploration into transforming these contracts, shifting the focus to an outcome-based framework. For those engaged in shaping vendor contracts, this session will help you master the essential components for constructing an outcomes-centric vendor statement of work. If you are leading, managing, or executing a vendor contract, you'll depart equipped with actionable insights to successfully drive outcomes within the parameters of deliverables-based or process-oriented agreements. Join us and elevate your ability to navigate, negotiate, and realize tangible results in your vendor engagements.

1. Describe the format of typical “agile” IT delivery contracts and identify common failure modes.
2. List types of vendor IT contracts (COTS, SaaS, Custom and contracting principles proven effective for each type.
3. Develop a statement of work focused on customer outcomes.
4. Implement vendor performance management techniques to optimize value for both vendors and customers.
5. Implement action steps to achieve outcomes within the confines of a poorly structured contract.