As a leader, the most powerful tool in your arsenal is data. It’s everywhere – but are you harnessing it? Using metrics, you can tell if your product is doing well and make fact-based decisions about what to do next. Metrics create a story of the project, its ups and downs, its wins and challenges, as you continue to work. Metrics are essential in agile for continuous improvement, predictability, team accountability, quality assurance, and risk management. This session will cover familiar agile metrics like velocity and the DORA DevOps measurements. Then, we’ll push the conversation further by learning how to Tell the Story of a Product using metrics. If you’ve ever felt the frustration of leaders who make critical business decisions based on feelings or “vibes,” you’ll come away with concrete strategies for picking the right metrics tailored to their goals. Agile Essentials sessions are designed for first-time Agile Alliance conference attendees and anyone who’s new to agile or looking for a refresh. Each one provides a broad overview of key agile practices and the principles behind them. You’ll leave feeling grounded, up-to-date on the latest agile concepts, and ready to take on new challenges in any role or any agile framework.

• Determine which metrics are relevant to the vision or goal of the work
• Identify activities that produce the data for the metrics
• Discover the metrics that are relevant to your values or goals
• Using that knowledge to measure the success of your goals