We make a multitude of decisions while we design and build a software system. When deciding between available technologies we can get caught in a herd mentality, blindly following the recommendation of a YouTuber or conference presenter. Or we get caught by the tech that we are most familiar and comfortable with because it’ll be easier today. Sometimes we get caught underinvesting in key growth areas and overinvesting in areas that don’t differentiate or bring value to our customers. These decisions ripple into the future, influencing product capabilities for years to come, and impacting the lives of the many developers that will maintain that software into the future. How do we develop and apply sound strategic thinking techniques and skills to making these choices when building software? Join Mike as he blends his two decades of building software with strategic thinking techniques, highlighting Wardley Mapping, Wardley’s Climatic Patterns, and Wardley’s Doctrine.

Interpret a Wardley Map to help in decision making
Create a basic Wardley Map
Distinguish different patterns in Wardley Maps
Apply Wardley’s Climatic Patterns and Wardley’s Doctrine