What if we merged all dependent teams together into a Collective? Then, visualize our combined work and use Open Space to tap into the crowd's collective wisdom to decide what should be done, letting people self-select into teams around work. What if we repeated that meeting every two days? Discover a radical new approach to organizational structure and workflow for enabling disruptive innovation - already happening in organizations worldwide. Restructure your organization to a network or lattice structure to dynamically adapt to match the ever-changing challenges it is confronted with in the VUCA world. Learn about complexity science and complex adaptive systems theory, and why using complexity is your best way to tackle complex problems – like product development. Find how static teaming has created problems of its own and how fluid teaming solves these – dependency management included.

Understand complexity science and complex adaptive systems theory, and how using complexity is your best way to tackle complex problems – like product development.
Find how static teaming has created problems of its own and how fluid teaming solves these – dependency management included.