Maintaining and enhancing technical health is essential for sustained value delivery and organizational agility. This workshop provides you with tools and techniques to improve technical health within your organization. The workshop provides a complete introduction to the DORA metrics: Deployment Frequency, Lead Time for Changes, Time to Restore Services, Change Failure Rate as key metrics. You will measure/estimate these metrics for one of your teams or products. You will be able to see how your team compares with other teams, both in the room and in the wider software community. We will then explore mechanisms to improve DORA metrics. You will collaborate with your peers on improvement approaches. The session will wrap up with tips and techniques to integrate technical health improvements into wider organizational goals such as OKRs. You will leave the session with a technical health worksheet that you can use to improve technical health at your organization.

- Approaches to improving and tracking technical health
- Techniques to connect technical health improvements to wider organizational outcomes