Buckle Up Buttercup: Agile Coaching is More than Asking Questions!
A troubling situation has emerged in the agile community where nearly everyone claims to be an “Agile Coach” or wants to take a class or two to become one. Without understanding the depth and breadth of competencies required becoming a skilled coach. In this session we’ll be Myth Busting about the skills and competencies required for Agile Coaching. We’re going to explore what it takes to become a well-rounded agile coach. Not as a means of judgement or prescription, but simply to share the Agile Coaching Growth Wheel as THE compass for your coaching growth journey. We’re going to do four things: 1) Cover a quick review the ACGW. 2) Ask you to take the Comparative Agility, Agile Coaching PI assessment. 3) Ask you to gather in pairs and explore your assessment results. 4) Ask you to identify and commit to the next steps in YOUR Agile Coaching growth learning journey. You’ll leave the session with a deeper understanding of what it means to be an Agile Coach, how you personally stack up, and what immediate steps you can take to strengthen your coaching. We also hope you leave with a positive energy for the art and craft of Agile Coaching.
Bob Galen
Date & Time
Monday, July 22, 2024, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Texas AB
Session Type
Energizing People & Teams
Learning Level
Learning Objectives
1. More complete understanding of the Agile Coaching Growth Wheel, particularly Self-Mastery.
2. Performing a deeper agile coaching competency and skills assessment.
3. Grokking your assessment and determining your immediate learning path, with an eye towards continuous improvement.