Beyond Agile: Tales From the Trenches of In-Progress Product Transformations

Many organizations have supposedly transitioned to agile, and yet their leaders are wondering why it still takes so long to deliver product value. In reality, high-growth product development takes more than breaking work into sprints and putting story points on your work. Continuous delivery is a prerequisite for product success, but we also need to see everything tied together under an evidence-based product strategy, constant learning through continuous discovery, and the strong operations of empowered teams. In this talk, Holly Hester-Reilly, Product Science Group founder and host of the Product Science Podcast, will share lessons learned from in-progress product transformations in the enterprise. Come for insight into the reality on the ground and key steps you can take to set your organization's product transformation up for success.

Holly Hester-Reilly
Date & Time
Monday, July 22, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Location Name
Texas D
Session Type
Accelerating Products
Learning Level
Learning Objectives
- Understand the state of Product Transformation in the Enterprise and how it's different from agile transformation
- Learn common challenges to practicing agile and product thinking in a new organization within the enterprise
- Learn from tales from the trenches of transformations-in-progress
-Learn what good collaboration and communication looks like
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