Energy. Sustainable Energy. You are probably thinking about oil and mining and wind farms right now. But I'm talking about Sustainable Energy for your Agile Teams. Sustainable Team Energy. Many of our people and teams are exhausted, overwhelmed, feeling like they are failing despite the super-human efforts they have already put forth. We have over-taxed our system and now we need to start looking for ways to enable a consistent, sustainable way of life for our Agile Teams. A powerful tool towards sustainable team energy will be using the wisdom of the 3 Levels of Reality to counterbalance the ebbs and flows that impact team energy levels. These concepts can be used by every member of the team in order to hold onto their energy and their flow. The techniques learned in this session will be especially useful for anyone facilitating team ceremonies or program/product level events. We will be exploring the 3 Levels of Reality (Essence, Dreaming, Consensus) and the practical application on a day to day basis to fluidly move your team energy through all three levels, at any time. This ability to sense and respond will be what creates renewable, long-term, sustainable energy for our Agile Teams.
Learning Outcomes:
- Leave with a clearer understanding of the key patterns affecting their team energy levels
- Leave with a list of ideas on how to avoid the low energy patterns
- Leave with a list of actions to take to create sustainable team energy