Provable Refactorings - Safety without Tests (Llewellyn Falco, Jay Bazuzi)

Often we find ourselves working with code where the functions are too long, the coding standards are inconsistent, comments are missing or out of date, and the tests are incomplete. Let's learn how to handle that situation better.

In this hands-on class we'll take a long, confusing method and show you multiple techniques to refactor it to clean, concise, understandable, and testable code. Commonly this is done by carefully architecting a better solution and then undertaking a rewrite of the code. That's not what we're going to do here. Instead, we'll discover a better solution through a series of small, safe steps that allow you to improve the code even when you only have a little time to spend on it.

Learning Outcomes:

  • How to Clean code without understanding it
  • How to evolve code
  • How to improve code without tests
  • How to safety refactor without unit tests
  • Inverse Provable Refactoring
  • Arlo Commit Notation
  • Test-Commit-Revert (TCR)
  • Mob/Ensemble Programming
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Following your nose vs. chasing a design
  • The value of Obvious Nonsense names


Jay Bazuzi Llewellyn Falco
Date & Time
Thursday, July 27, 2023, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Lafayette 3
Session Type
Learning Level
Technology for All
Automation, Tooling, Refactoring, LegacyCode, ArloCommitNotation, CleanCode, EvolutionaryDesign
Survey Link