Are you passionate about agile, but totally frustrated by the seeming inability of your organization to get your business partners and executives on board with true transformation? Does it seem like your agile teams are on a hamster wheel, doing the same thing over and over again for years but still unable to deliver solutions your customers can appreciate?
The reality is that we are hamstrung by legacy bureaucratic management. The remnants of waterfall phase-gate governance approach hinder us from unleashing the power of our agile teams, leveraging our investment in agile and truly delighting our customers.
This end-to-end business agility requires us to take a bimodal approach: a systematic middle-management transformation in parallel with continued care and feeding of agile teams. We need to mindfully enable rapid value delivery, increase decision velocity, optimize portfolio prioritization, delink funding from projects and more clearly link strategy to execution.
In this session, we'll explore 3 steps to leap into business agility:
- Set up end-to-end Value Stream Teams
- Set up an Agile Value Management Office (VMO)
- Move from Yearly Budgeting to Fixed Funding
We'll cover case studies of how this approach has unshackled agile teams and liberated managers to deliver positive customer outcomes.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the major obstacles to business agility, and why our agile transformations hit a brick wall
- Organize agile teams by customer journey to create stream-aligned teams with seamless communication and end-to-end flow of value
- Set up an Agile VMO team of teams that facilitates lean portfolio management and enables adaptive governance with compliance to value and strategic outcomes
- Delink funding from projects to accelerate a project to product operating model transition
- Create a value-adding role for middle management to lead with passion and confidence