Scrum meets Org. Design (Hiroshi Hiromoto)

You started your agile journey with a couple of Scrum teams, and after an exciting success, scaling started to happen. Now you have several squads, organized in tribes or trains with moderate success and now you're thinking what's next? What's missing to make this sustainable and truly part of the organization?

If you're in a similar situation, this talk is for you!

Attachment: Scrum Meets Org Design Handout


One of the main focuses of the Organizational Design discipline is to align and fit together all parts of an organization to achieve its defined strategic intents, and when we typically adopt Agile we usually focus on only some parts of the organization and while scaling starts suffering because of the misalignment and unfitness of the other parts.

In this session with the help of tools from the Org Design world, we will explore which parts of the organization we typically cover when adopting Agile and what other organizational components we should focus on after initial successful adoption.

Join us to learn more about how some simple concepts from the Org Design world can help you to enrich your Agile journey.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Be able to explain what org design is and why it's useful to enrich your company's evolution
  • Recognize the five different elements of Galbraith's Star Model.
  • Be able to use Galbraith's Model to evaluate your Agile Adoption.
  • Analyze, at a high level, your current Agile adoption thru the lens of Galbraith's Model.

Featured Participant:  Andrés Joaquín

Hiroshi Hiromoto
Date & Time
Monday, July 24, 2023, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Osceola B
Session Type
Learning Level
Enriching Organizations
agile, Scrum, Scaling, org design, organizational agility
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