A lot of people talk about pair programming (where two developers work together at the same time to develop a feature). Some also talk about mob programming (where the entire team works together at the same time to develop a feature. Also called ensemble programming or team programming). These two practices can be great tools in developing and maintaining high quality software and continuously delivering value to customers. But I've found that not a lot of developers get an opportunity to experience these practices in real world settings. Consequently there are a lot of questions and sometimes some misconceptions about them.
In this session we'll go over the basics of what pair and mob programming are for those who are less familiar with the practices. I'll share some of my experiences (both good and bad) from my 10+ years of experience with pair and mob programming. The remainder of the time will be left open for attendees to ask any questions they'd like about pair and mob programming and how these practices can (and do) work in the real world.
Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the basics of pair programming.
- Explain the basics of mob programming.
- Judge whether or not one of these collaborative techniques is worth experimenting with in the attendee's context.