Fantasy or Fact?: Revealing the Stories Behind Certifications
Nicole Spence-Goon Eduardo Carlos Gonzales Bermudez

To cert or not to cert, that is the question! And the questions can seem endless: - What are the global impacts of certifications? - What have been the impacts to certification training being offered remotely instead of in-person? - Is there harm in certification stature akin to the Kleenex brand being synonymous for facial tissue or Post-its for stickies? - Is there added value in obtaining certifications or is it just a money-making machine for institutions that create them? - Does a certification really make you an expert or viewed as one? Just like a chameleon, certifications don’t show their colors all at once. Come join this conversation around the many aspects of pursuing certifications, and whether they harm or help us.

Date & Time
Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Location Name
Ryman Studio L
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Session Type
Learning Level
The Salon, Sponsored by RAF
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