What do hiking, Agile, data, and table-top games have in common? Are you a data geek hiking toward the benefits of Lean and Agile, finding false summits and muddy waters in your way? Agile journeys can be like a game where a combination of the right roll of the dice and strategic decision-making gets you a big jump forward, and then the next several rolls or mis-timed strategy take you back... until another roll gives you that break you've been hoping for! Add the complexities of legacy data systems (and legacy data!) and the game can become quite a wild ride. This workshop will prepare participants for The Agile Data Game of Life with a short presentation on successful agile data strategies, along with a few hard-learned mistakes. Participants will then play The Agile Data Game of Life where each table faces different enablers and disablers on their journey to the goal of "agile teams able to deliver significant data-dependent business value in a matter of weeks." Together, we will uncover strategies for moving forward and avoiding risks that can lead a data-focused team to greater agility.