A Decade of Agile at Scale, 10 Lessons from the Trenches
Taghi Paksima

An effective change initiative takes a holistic intent and a pragmatic approach. A framework alone is (often) not the answer. Based on learnings from success and failures of supporting multiple organizations in adopting agile at scale, we will share a number of framework-agnostic principles and how to use them as a compass to determine next steps in your transformation journey. Using these principles, you will have an opportunity to collaboratively map the challenges of scaling in your own context. You will start from where you are and let the flow of the session and the collective intelligence in the room inspire you to identify your next step or enrich your toolbox. Are you up for the challenge? This will be an interactive session, with a mix of facilitated small group exercises, presentation, and individual reflections.

Date & Time
Monday, July 24, 2023, 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Location Name
Holyrood Room
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